When Attorneys Can Help You in Brain Injury

oklahoma car accident lawyer

The people involved in the road accidents suffer from high risk injuries. The victims of the accident suffer from wide injuries in many body parts. However, the most severe type of injury to our clients is generally a head injury, which can result from road accidents or other types of accidents. When you are injured and not at fault, you should hire a car accident attorney.

Traumatic Brain Injury

A TBI can be of two types – open or closed. When the skull is broken or penetrated by an object outside of the skull, an open TBI occurs. In the event of a car accident, a closed TBI is more common. Closed TBI occurs when the skull does not break, but the head gets a blow. Open and close TBI symptoms may vary.

You can suffer various types of traumatic brain injuries depending on the severity of your primary injury. You may even have more than 1 type of TBI if you have had a TBI in the wake of a car accident. Details of the following types of TBI are provided by a clinic:

oklahoma car accident lawyer


A concussion is usually a mild TBI that may lead to confusion, memory, speech, vision or balance issues temporarily. This injury is one of the most common brain injuries and is treated to let the brain rest. However, a concussion may leave a patient with a lifetime of damage if left untreated.

Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

A diffuse axonal injury or DAI happens when the brain is moving back and forth in the skull and tears the nerve axons. Axons connect nervous cells across the brain. Extensive brain tears may cause variable damage and even be fatal throughout the brain. Symptoms depend on the area in which the brain is affected.


A contusion is a bleeding under the skin caused by a blow to the head. These are usually associated with commotions. If the bleeding does not stop, surgery may be necessary. A contusion's severity depends on its position in the brain, its blood size and the duration.

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Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (TSAH)

TSAH or Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage means bleeding in the brain surrounding space. The cerebrospinal fluid should fill this space as a cushion in between the skull and the brain. This injury happens when the tears of small artery cause blood flowing over the brain during the primary injury. This blood causes brain irritation, brain pressure, and brain damage. Furthermore, the area that is normally carries blood from the torn arteries now has no oxygen-rich blood necessary, causing generally adverse effects.

Coup-Contrecoup Brain Injury

A coup-countercoup injury happens when the brain has an impact on the other side.  Their effects on this type of injury are usually more severe. Since this injury is generally more serious, it may be necessary for patients to recover extensively.

oklahoma car accident lawyer

When You Sustain an Injury

After a crash, you should note if you get a hit on your head. You should receive medical treatment if you feel something serious or unusual. Often, people believe that after an accident it is "normal" to become disorganized or confused so that they are not treated.

A proper physical assessment is important both for your physical and future insurance claims. Many head wounds cannot be seen by others, so it is very important to have test results and medical records which show your wounds. For your medical expenses, lost earnings, permanent handicaps and more, you may have the right to claim compensation

When to Hire an Attorney

You should hire an attorney for car accidents. At Oklahoma Legal Team our car accident lawyers help the clients to get the right compensation. Check our services list for any legal help.

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