How to Know If you Have Faced Whiplash in an Accident?

oklahoma car accident lawyer

When the head violently snaps back and then again forward rapidly in an accident, it is known as whiplash. You can get a lot of injuries due to this hard-hitting stroke. Sometimes, it can also lead to death. You need to be sure that whether you have faced whiplash during an accident. You may not know right after the accident whether you have whiplash. But, symptoms may start appearing within a few days. At that time, you may have to hire a car accident lawyer to get your due compensation. 

Here are the symptoms that will help you to understand whether you had a whiplash during the car accident or not.

Neck Pain & Stiffness

Although these two are common health-related issues and can take place at any time, it is also a common symptom after a whiplash. If you notice that you have immense neck pain and stiffness after the car accident, you need to check with a doctor without delay. It may occur if your muscles, ligaments or tenders get sprained during the accident without your knowledge. There can also be a minor fracture in the vertebrae.

oklahoma car accident lawyer

Arm and Hand Pain With Numbness

This is also another indication of a whiplash injury. If it happens that you get frequent pain in your arm and hand along with numbness and tingling feelings, there is a high chance of getting a whiplash injury during the accident.


You can locate a headache at the base of the skull which is not normal. If you have encountered whiplash, the headache may increase day by day if left untreated. This is quite a serious thing and you must consult a doctor right away.

oklahoma car accident lawyer


Tinnitus is also one of the major symptoms after whiplash. You can get ringing sounds in your ears often and your hearing ability may also get feeble if the whiplash is that hard.

You need to get it treated and that includes a lot of medical expenses. Claim for your insurance by hiring a car accident lawyer from Oklahoma Legal Team.

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