What Errors You Must Avoid While Filing Car Accident Lawsuit?

oklahoma car accident lawyer

Any mistake made during the lawsuit for a car accident, even a small one, can have implications. Your case may lose credibility; compensation may be reduced or even, in some cases, totally discarded.

Fortunately, victims and personal injury lawyers can act proactively to prevent mistakes that affect their case and solution. In the case of car accident lawsuits in Oklahoma, here we will help you with some of the most common mistakes.

Error # 1: Talk about Your Injuries or Case

To be safe, apart from your personal injury lawyer you should avoid talking about your case. You could accidentally supply the defense or insurance adjuster with information, which could certainly hurt your compensation case.

That being said, all information you need to share with your attorney is very important. If you leave certain important details out of the picture, he or she cannot help your case.

oklahoma car accident lawyer

Error # 2: Social Media Posting

Even an appearance of harmless media outlet can have grave and lasting effects.

For example, when you are unable to walk but you post a photo of you playing soccer on social media can help defense adjusters to build up the case strongly against you. The search of social media has soon become the norm for researchers seeking discrepancies in cases of injury, so do not underestimate the risk of posting about your accident.

Error # 3: Medical Advice or Appointments Ignored

It is very important that you take care of your injuries with your doctor's advice.

In addition, any follow-up appointments are required to maintain your injuries' credibility. If an appointment is not made, others may wonder whether or not your injuries actually are sufficiently serious to warrant indemnification.

oklahoma car accident lawyer

Error # 4: Too Much Wait for Action

Another error that can affect your lawsuit and your resolution of personal injury is that you wait too long to be able to act after the accident.

After such an event, you can easily feel overwhelmed, but you still have to act quickly if you want to win your case.

Visit a doctor, call your insurance company (and/or the fault driver insurance company) and collect accident information immediately.

Error # 5: Too Much Information Given to the Insurance Company

It is tempting to give them as many details as you can when you're talking to the insurance adjuster.

In fact, however, this may reduce the size of your settlement significantly. Remember, saving money and paying off as much as possible is a job of an insurance company.

If you talk to the insurance company, do not talk about your injuries, make a recorded statement, or talk about who is at fault. Give them the essentials, instead.

oklahoma car accident lawyer

Do you have to file a lawsuit for a car crash?

You now know what errors to avoid after a car accident. That isn't everything you need to know, however.

A lot more to learn is still available. Do you know, for example, what to do with a car accident proceeding?

Contact a car accident lawyer in Oklahoma at Oklahoma Legal Team and seek assistance.

**Disclaimer: No content on this page is intended to be qualified legal advice; nor establish attorney-client privilege or terms of such a relationship.